Personal Brand Photography - Why Your Business Needs It

Every business has a visual identity – whether they know it or not. This identity is broken up into many different subsets: graphic design, logos, fonts, videography, web design, illustration, typography, brand colors and photography!

Photography is one of the most powerful parts of your business’ visual identity, and here’s why:

  1. Photos make the first impression. Above copy and colors, photos are the first thing your potential clients walking through the web-door will see. “As much as 65% of business executives say that photography and other visual elements such as illustrations and videos are key to communicating your brand story. Facebook posts with images contributed with 87% of all engagements on brands’ pages. Tweets with images receive 150% more retweets than tweets without images and articles with an image once every 75-100 words receive double the social media shares as articles with fewer images.” - Design Rush

  2. Your message will gain clarity. Throughout the brand photoshoot process you’ll have to decide what it is you’re actually offering to potential clients and translating that offer visually. This requires decisive focus – and you won’t be alone! Your photographer will make the space for you to define your brand and build a shoot for you that is holistic to who you are and your company message.

  3. Credibility and credence. Professional photos of your brand set you up as a competitor in your space! It shows how much you care about what you’re offering to others. Luxury images for a luxury product. Approachable and light-hearted images for a trustworthy service. Brand photography acts like gorgeous real estate in the cloud – it is a hospitable place to land for customers that are hungry for what you have to offer them. It invites them in. 

These are just some reasons why brand photography is so key to a thriving business – reach out or schedule a call if your business is looking to level up its visual identity. 


Is “Trendy” Worth it in Brand Photography?